Choosing the Right Offshore Partner in Inbound Telemarketing

Sunday, January 9, 2011

So, you have weighed the boons and banes of outsourcing and you finally came up with a decision. Outsource the services of an inbound call center. The next step is to select an exceptional contact center which is offers services that are both cost-effective and of high quality.

Before I lay down the guide, you need to answer the following basic questions:

1. What are the things to outsource? Is it only a live answering service, or together with order taking? Do you need a complete arsenal of call center services?
2. Where do you intend to outsource? Do you want an onshore company or will it be better to find an offshore partner?
3. When is the right time to outsource? Is there an urgency or will you wait for another couple of months?
4. How are you going to outsource?

Here are the criteria in selecting the contact center that fills your appetite:

• What kind of relationship do you want to establish? Is it short-term or long-term? How does the service provider deal with this?
• Know the size of the company. Do you want to cater a larger population of sales leads? If yes, then you need to find a big call center. If otherwise, you can be greatly served by smaller ones.
• Make sure that the firm is financially stable. There is no greater hell than to know that your chosen partner has shutdown operations at the start or in the middle of the customer service support.
• Goodwill and reputation by getting information on certifications, previous clients and achievements.
• Examine if there are hidden costs. It is extremely awful to notice that bills increase because there are concealed fees.

Before choosing the call center, make sure to thoroughly analyze and check their services and workforce. That they can provide you with the services that they you are paying for.


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